Self Portaits in Thought
During the period in which I did not have access to a print studio, I experimented with drawings over photographs. This series layers a line drawing, most often of myself deep in thought, which was based on a photograph of my walking through the house after I first inherited it, when I felt overwhelmed with the task ahead and unsure of what to do (Photograph by Laura August). I examine the house from multiple angles, inside and outside. These works address my efforts to understand my heritage and the wider heritage of the house from the place of unknowing. The exhibit will include a small selection of them.
Looking Back, 2020. size. Archival digital ink jet print.
Looking Back
Here I am contemplating my grandparents’ photographs. What did they think about their fraught heritage? Did they think it was fraught? Did they even think about it?
Palimsest, 2020. , 8.5”x11”, drawing on ink jet print
Here I hover over my great-grandmother’s book, on a palimpsest page with my great-great-grandfathers’s resolution covered by my great-grandmother’s recipe for fruitcake. I am adding my own palimpsest layer as I engage with the book.
Meeting Great Grandmother, 2020. 8.5” x 11”, drawing on ink jet print
Meeting Great Grandmother
I see a ghostly image of my great grandmother sitting in a long empty room. We are together, both outlines of our former selves. What will I say? And she?